DB design of “reservation system” – basic form

データベース設計 Database

This article describes a proposed DB design for a "Reservation System".

This article describes a suggested DB design.
This design is just an example.
Please use this as a template and adapt it to the system you wish to build.


There are no complicated functions.
All you have to do is decide on a range of dates and times and make a reservation.There is no user registration.
Think of it as a basic form of reservation system.

The use case is likely to be in a place where an individual is providing a service for a set amount of time.
If this is all there is to it, it is really basic, as it would be better to use Google Calendar, etc. to handle this.

Design Details


erDiagram RESERVATIONS { int id PK datetime reservation_start_datetime datetime reservation_end_datetime string customer_name string customer_email datetime created_at datetime updated_at }



reservation_start_datetimeStart of reservation date timedatetime
reservation_end_datetimeEnd of reservation date timedatetime
customer_nameCustomer namevarchar(255)
customer_emailCustomer emailvarchar(255)
created_atRecord creation date timedatetime
updated_atRecord update date timedatetime

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