Example DB design for “Gotcha” – Grade Probability This article describes a suggested DB design.This design is just an example.Please use this as a template and adapt it t... 2024.09.27 Example
Database DB design of “reservation system” – basic form This article describes a proposed DB design for a "Reservation System".SummaryThere are no complicated functions.All you... 2024.09.23 DatabaseExample
Laravel [Laravel] Using Resources in API Responses This article is an article of explanation about Resources in Laravel.What is Resources?When using the API to convert an ... 2024.09.18 LaravelPHP
PHP How to find the distance of coordinates between two points This article shows how to find the straight line distance between two points from their latitude and longitude.What is l... 2024.09.18 PHP
PHP [PHP] How to convert from strings to numbers This article describes how to convert from strings to numbers in PHP.PHP is a dynamically typed language, meaning that t... 2024.09.18 PHP