How to Use WHERE Clause with mysqldump

データベース Database

When backing up MySQL data using mysqldump, you may need to export only specific data instead of the entire database, especially when dealing with large datasets. The --where option allows you to specify conditions to filter the data you want to export. In this article, we will explain how to use the --where option effectively, along with other useful options.

Basic Usage of mysqldump

To back up an entire database using mysqldump, you typically run the following command:

mysqldump -u username -p database_name > backup.sql

This command exports all tables in the specified database. If you only want to back up a specific table, you can specify the table name as follows:

mysqldump -u username -p database_name table_name > backup.sql

Using the --where Option to Specify Conditions

The --where option allows you to export only the data that matches specific conditions. For example, to export records from the users table where created_at is on or after 2024-01-01, use the following command:

mysqldump -u username -p database_name users --where="created_at >= '2024-01-01'" > users_backup.sql

To specify multiple conditions, use the AND operator:

="status='completed' AND order_date >= '2024-01-01'" > completed_orders.sql

Useful Options to Use with --where

Here are some useful options to combine with --where for better control over the backup process.


The --single-transaction option helps avoid table locks while ensuring data consistency during the dump process.

mysqldump -u username -p --single-transaction database_name table_name --where="condition" > backup.sql


By specifying --no-create-info, you can exclude table creation statements and export only the data.

mysqldump -u username -p database_name table_name --where="condition" --no-create-info > data_only_backup.sql

3.3 --lock-tables

By default, mysqldump locks tables while dumping. If you are exporting a large dataset, you may want to disable table locking by using --single-transaction along with --lock-tables=0.

mysqldump -u username -p --single-transaction database_name table_name --where="condition" --lock-tables=0 > backup.sql

4. Checking Compatibility with the Latest MySQL Versions

The behavior of mysqldump may change in newer MySQL versions. Be sure to check the official documentation for the latest features and options:

5. Summary

Using the --where option in mysqldump allows you to efficiently back up specific portions of your database.

  • The --where option filters data during export.
  • Using --single-transaction prevents table locks while maintaining data consistency.
  • --no-create-info exports only data without table definitions.
  • Checking MySQL’s latest documentation ensures compatibility with newer versions.

When extracting specific data from a database, combining the appropriate options can help streamline the process and ensure a smooth backup experience.


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